
Welcome to LEV48

We're sharing files and media, delivering latest news,
and also subbing variety shows of 48 and 46 Group
Enjoy your time and have fun!


LEV48 Golden Rules :

1. For every kind of reshare, PLEASE SHARE THE POSTING PAGE AND DO NOT RESHARE THE DOWNLOAD LINK. Remember, appreciate each uploader that has been working hard to post the info, magazine, or subtitle. Should not let the uploader feeling anxious, sad, worry persistently, troubled, fret, heartache, or KZL and ZBL because of that. Because actually our uploader very sensitive against supernatural things.
1. Untuk segala macam jenis reshare, TOLONG SHARE HALAMAN POSTINGANNYA DAN JANGAN RESHARE DOWNLOAD LINKNYA. Ingat, hargai masing - masing uploader yang sudah bekerja keras posting info, magz ataupun sub. Jangan sampai menyebabkan uploader merasa cemas, sedih, gundah gulana, galau, resah, sakit hati, ataupun KZL dan ZBL karena hal tersebut. Karena sesungguhnya uploader kami sangat sensitif terhadap hal - hal berbau ghaib.

2. For some errors to the links nor subbed video, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT IN THESE POSTINGS. Because if you leave a comment in another post,  and the broken link was in another post too, we will have a bad time, seriously man. Remember, wrong room will be able to caused a fatal, whether it in virtual world, real world, or in another world.
2. Untuk kerusakan pada link ataupun subbed video, SILAKAN COMMENT DI POSTINGANNYA. Karena apabila anda comment di postingan mana dan ternyata yang rusak di lain tempat, maka kami akan merasa bingung dan pusing - pusing. Ingat, salah kamar bisa berakibat fatal baik di dunia maya, di dunia nyata, ataupun dunia lain.

3. For more subtitle info, simply check the doko demo doa (magic door), and if and if subtitles you are looking for is not found there, please be advised because WE CAN NOT ACCEPT ALL REQUESTS SUBTITLES, and if your complaints about the subtitle are not replied within 1x24 hours, please understand, because actually we're also just a helpless human being who may disgust and retching see letters as well numbers at keyboard.
3. Untuk info sub lebih lanjut, silakan cek pintu ajaib, dan apabila ada yang tidak tersedia disana, harap maklum karena KAMI TIDAK BISA MENERIMA SEMUA REQUEST SUB, dan apabila keluhan tentang sub tidak kami balas dalam waktu 1x24 jam, harap maklum, karena sesungguhnya kami pun hanyalah manusia tidak berdaya yang bisa muak  dan muntah - muntah melihat huruf dan angka di keyboard.

4. For some trouble, matters, any promises relating to LEV48, PLEASE CONTACT OUR TWITTER OR FACEBOOK. Your comment and your mention as soon as possible will be replied within 7x24 hours. Question, mention, or comments will not be replied if it relates to forever alone guy, itself, single, solo career, nor that kind of problems because actually one of our staff are allergic to these things. And remember, we didn't accept  any online shop ads that has been published in social media. Right, sis?
4. Untuk masalah, urusan, ataupun janji apapun yang berhubungan dengan LEV48, SILAKAN HUBUNGI TWITTER ATAUPUN FACEBOOK KAMI. Comment atau mention secepat mungkin akan kami balas dalam jangka waktu 7x24 jam. Pertanyaan, mention, ataupun comment tidak akan kami balas apabila menyerempet masalah jomblo, sendiri, single, solo karir, ataupun masalah sejenisnya karena sesungguhnya salah satu staff kami alergi terhadap hal - hal tersebut. Dan ingat, kami tidak menerima pemasangan iklan online shop di sosial media ya sist.

Best Regards,

The Volunteers



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